from the horse's mouth

general meanderings on horses, life (well thats the same as horses really), work (so I can afford to do the horses thing)

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Location: Scotland, United Kingdom

Sunday, October 11, 2009

one step forward... less shoe :(

As the evenings draw in, a weekend with decent weather is precious time. I was running a 5k on Saturday so I went down to help breakfast the horses. As I watched Fi walk out of the shelter, she took a slightly long step with a hind leg.... stepped on the front foot... and ripped the shoe off !!

Luckily she tends to rip them cleanly off so there is no twisted shoe, nails are out etc.

Off I went to my run (34m 32s :D) and came back to ride in the afternoon. Normally Fi isn't affected by taking a shoe off and the difference in height between shoe and non-shoe doesn't matter in the sand school. But as I went to catch her, she looked slightly "wrong".

The horses have been given access to a paddock with more grass on it - so by the afternoon they are somewhat full of grass. Fi was reluctant to move and it was hard to tell if it was a tummy full of grass or some discomfort. SHe didn't look obviously lame, just "not right". I hopped on to have a feel at walk. Again nothing obvious but it just felt wrong.

So out she went. We exercised Dudley and then took Rosie for a wander on some of the remaining stubble fields. (They have already started ploughing for winter sowing). As we came back to the field, I walked Rosie in to the arena and once around. I was expecting objections but just got a nice free loose rein walk :) So we stopped on a good note.

By evening Fi was looking more obvious lame. It is the same foot she took the shoe off but there is no obvious heat in leg or hoof. We'll just have to keep an eye on it. (I have texted the farrier - but my sister has been trying to get hold of him as well and had no reply).

(On the upside Fi's scab on her hind leg is starting to lift and we trimmed the loose bits off. Photos have been taken and will be posted when available).

Today I was expecting a bit of an objection from Rosie when she got asked to work in the arena rather than going for another walk. (That has been the pattern so far). But she didn't .... though she wasn't offering her normal energy, she did offer only a few minor objections and was generally good. Sadly she then reverted back with mum and needed a fair amount of persuasion. Generally her behaviour with mum is always about 2-3 weeks behind what I get - so fingers crossed things will improve there as well.

We did a small amount of jumping. Her left lead canter is definitely not so good - jumping seems to help a bit with that. (Left rein generally is worse for her). To finish up I took her out for a circuit around the closest stubble field. It was a "left handed" circuit so gave me the chance to ask for left lead canter... she offered right but I circled around and got left lead then let her head on up the slope.

So some good news some bad this weekend.


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