from the horse's mouth

general meanderings on horses, life (well thats the same as horses really), work (so I can afford to do the horses thing)

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Location: Scotland, United Kingdom

Monday, May 07, 2012

There's a hole in your foot...

...dear Rosie, dear Rosie, there's a hole in your foot, dear Rosie, a hole.

and it's quite a large hole ! We've had different advice on management from farrier, vet-on-duty, and usual-vet. Very confusing. Needless to say cutting a large hole took away the pressure that was making her lame so she's looking sound again, and is sporting a nifty line in canvas boot to keep the foot as clean and dry as we can in the meantime. 

I gather the shoe will go back on to stop the "gap" spreading as the foot grows.

We've had a few really cold nights and Fi looked a bit stiff this weekend. Given plenty of time to warm up, she worked ok but I kept it short just in case. Duds did a little work in the school as well - well not so much work as pootling around but it was under saddle at least !


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