from the horse's mouth

general meanderings on horses, life (well thats the same as horses really), work (so I can afford to do the horses thing)

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Location: Scotland, United Kingdom

Sunday, April 20, 2008

better weather

clear skies, and something bright...people tell me it is the sun ! But a brisk wind kept me from getting too complacent !

The horses went out this weekend. The grass hasn't really started growing yet, so its going to be a bit of a juggle for a couple of weeks - especially for the old guy. But it was light so early and late, that they were keen to get out, and reluctant to come in.

They have adjusted quickly after some initial confusion on the first day (why are we getting our dinner at 5 ?). However Red is showing very little interest in his dinner. We tried keeping him in the shelter between 5 and 7 today to give him more time to eat his dinner, but it did not make a big difference.

We are also giving them hay when we go down at 7pm - 4 haynets at intervals around the short end of the arena.

I rode Fi in the western saddle on Saturday (because of the wind level). I was impressed that she managed to keep a calm state of mind most of the time and we worked on walk, jog (trot), canter all loose and long. On Sunday she looked a little stiffer and I used the working hunter saddle. We did mainly walk and trot, again looking for that calm state of mind.

I lunged and rode Rosie both days. She was a bit more "make me" than before her trip out last week, but overall quite good. I didn't ride for very long either day - just long enough to get a fair trot (20m circle and a long side for example) on both reins. On Sunday mum put some cones out for me down the centre line and we wound up and down them. I did use the "move the shoulder in the direction of the evasion" move once but probably could have done more in terms of turn on haunches work etc.

I rode Dudley on Sunday - he was a good boy and also got ridden during the week by my neighbour. Hopefully between us we can get him a bit fitter. She is also a prospective jockey for Rosie but one thing at a time ;)


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