from the horse's mouth

general meanderings on horses, life (well thats the same as horses really), work (so I can afford to do the horses thing)

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Location: Scotland, United Kingdom

Saturday, April 05, 2008

a busy week

I've had this week off on holiday. And its turned into quite a horsey week - which if I had tried to plan it that way, wouldn't have happened.

On Monday we had a major clean out of the tack/feed room - there is now a pile of stuff waiting to go to the ILPH, and we know what we have and where it is :)

Work with Fi has still been limited by her intermittent soundness - her feet (especially her toes) were getting rather long. Our usual farrier has been gradually concentrating more on his other (fine iron design) work and doing less horses. We were among his last customers and he gave us a name to contact. So on Thursday all four were checked and Fi now has more sensible length of front feet. I left her yesterday (Friday) to adjust to the new length as she still looked a bit short on the near fore. Today I lunged her - and it was windy and *cold*. She was leaping around like an idiot at every rattle the wind created. No doubt she will be lame again tomorrow :rollseyes: and now I definitely need to grade the arena !!

I've lunged and ridden Rosie a few times over the week - she's gone nicely each time (approx 40 min sessions split between lunging and riding). And then on Wednesday, big sis arrived with her highland just as I was about to tack Rosie up - so we headed out with her, and were out for an hour :o Rosie's eyes were on stalks for a lot of the time, and there were a couple of (small) rocks which were clearly hiding monsters, but she came back with a healthy sweat :D

Then she had a bath yesterday evening and went to the NPS Spring Show today. It was a smaller turn out than usual (4) and we were 3rd. She was a good girl and loaded fine on the way there, and (a bit hesitantly) on the way back (despite me forgetting to open the top door at the front).

Dudley got lunged and I rode him on Wednesday. Then yesterday my next door neighbour came and had a ride on him for the first time. They got on well together and she is light enough to ride either Duds or Rosie - so they both could get a bit fitter :)

And to add to the fun, I had a lesson on Thursday. On a 17.1 ex-Advanced Medium horse - Fi is unlikely to be fit or sound enough to cope with an hour lesson, but I still need feedback and help. We worked on position, especially the angle of the pelvis and the subsequent effect on the thigh position. I expected to ache a bit on Friday but it was fine.


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