from the horse's mouth

general meanderings on horses, life (well thats the same as horses really), work (so I can afford to do the horses thing)

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Location: Scotland, United Kingdom

Monday, December 03, 2007


I had company this weekend in the form of someone's daughter who is at a local boarding school. She came with us to the Scottish Horse Event in Saturday - it was raining on and off all day so we didn't miss any riding.

The forecast for Sunday was bad but it turned out clear and dry so we got on with things just in case. I rode Fi while D rode Dudley. This caused some amusement from Fi who is used to working by herself. Especially as I put some poles out for Duds and D and Duds proceeded to approach them with unaccustomned glee ! So much so that I bunged it up as a small cross pole sooner than I had expected and he cantered in to it with abandon most unDudley-like. He jumps quite big and it can be a bit unseating, so I persuaded D to get him to trot in for one last jump.

In the meantime I was working Fi - she seemed fine. When Duds leapt over 3 trotting poles towards her, she had a minor OMG moment but it was more because she was focused on me and just heard a thundering of hooves !

Then I swapped on to Duds and D onto Rosie, and we went for a walk (and a trot and the odd canter) around the unploughed edges of the fields. When we got back, we took them back into the school to pop Rosie over the cross pole. Rosie walked two steps in to the school and put her sullen face on. She needed persuading that she could follow Dudley and it would be *fun* but got the idea and D popped her over the cross-pole twice :D


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