from the horse's mouth

general meanderings on horses, life (well thats the same as horses really), work (so I can afford to do the horses thing)

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Location: Scotland, United Kingdom

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Foot Update

So let's get the timeline straight. The previous photo was taken on 30th April.

Today (8th May) the shoe went back on. In the interim we have been using hibiscrub (and then dilute iodine solution) sluice out the cavity and then spraying with the blue spray from the vets which is anti-whatever.

So here is the same foot when the farrier was done with it.

Aside from the stylish blue colour, the practical point of having the show back is to give the hoof some support so the "gap" can grow down and together. It can stay exposed without cover and will get washed/sprayed twice a day. She'll be off work for a while but is doing her best to leap around anyway. (We have visitors down on the long grass and everyone showed off for each other for a while when they arrived).

You can also see her toe still has a touch of seedy toe - the after-effects of laminitis last so long :(

Update: 21/05/12 - only two weeks on but figured it was worth adding


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